E 70
dept of the element:
depth of the element: 205 mm
visible profile width: 70 mm
depth of the filling: 30 mm
vertical movement of the elements: +/- 10 mm
air-permeability: EN 12207 (class 4)
watertightness: EN 12154 (class E900)
resistance to wind gusts: EN 12210 (class C3 /B3)
noise protection: EN ISO 717-1 (Rw=36 dB)
antiburgiary: EN 1627
Uw coefficient calculation: DIN EN ISO 10077-2 (>=2,19 Wm2/K)
basic material: EN AW-6060
sealing material: EPDM
surface treatment DIN 17611
quality control: DIN EN ISO 9001